But the truth will ultimately set them at odds, as one becomes the ruler of the most powerful empire on earth, and the other the chosen leader of his people. Growing up the best of friends, they share a strong bond of free-spirited youth and good-natured rivalry. Upon learning the truth of his past from a burning bush, Moses returns to Egypt with God on his side and demands that the pharaoh (now his brother Rameses) must "Let my people go." With songs written by Oscar-winner Stephen Schwartz and sung by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, The Prince of Egypt covers all the classic story points of the story of Moses, including the ten plagues and the parting of the Red Sea. This is the extraordinary tale of two brothers named Moses and Ramses, one born of royal blood, and one an orphan with a secret past.
The pharaoh Seti (Patrick Stewart) raised Moses as his son.#WATCH MOSES PRINCE OF EGYPT ONLINE FREE FREE#
Think of The Ten Commandments with songs and an all-star cast doing the voices. God appears as a burning bush and entrusted with the mission to free the Hebrew slaves that holds the Pharaoh. The Prince of Egypt tells the story of Moses releasing the Jews from Egyptian slavery under the hand of the evil pharaoh Rameses. Dreamworks Pictures has taken the biblical story of Exodus, put it into cartoon form, and released it on the big screen as an epic animated feature.